Each of its own hap...
By johnthecovenant
  • Poetry
  • acceptance
  • christianity
  • future
  • goalkeeper
  • goals
  • godcentered
  • happiness
  • islam
  • love
  • lovestory
  • moveon
  • relationship


Through out the period when i feLt that someone can love me and accept me for who i am( in an intimate and boyfriend kind of way) i forgot to take care of myself. I'd rather care for others than care for my family, my friends, my lifestyle, my goals, my God and my future. I was lost and still feeling lost when this things happen. I know it's wrong, and i believe that it's a process of learning how to unlove someone when you know if it's "doing you no good" Making someone happy is a good thing but what if that person went away?? Will you still feel happy?? Will you still love yourself??? I know that happiness should be found from knowing who you really are first rather than being happy through someone. Don't isolate yourself just because you love someone, it's a big world after all, lots of reasons to make you happy, it can be a person, a place , object, scrnario, etc.... Just live your life how God wants it to be.

Happiness in ME

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Each of i...
by johnthecovenant