Psst! Stop for awhile. Stop those negative thoughts of yours. Worthless? Waste of space? Villain? Criminal? Slut? Pshhh! You don't need to listen to those! That's why i'm here, after all! Come with me, join me. No, this is not some cult or anything. Just the thought makes me laugh! Let me show, no, experience the beauty of the world that we either forgotten, ignored, or didn't see behind the cruelty of the world, together. But let me warn you, I have a really dirty mouth. Swear words come out of me like a really bad diarrhea! Did i make you laugh? No? Don't worry, there's more! So what do you say? Be my friend, my family! Even if you're cooped up right now. Strict parents? Maybe even strict kids! It's fine. Let loose for awhile with me. No cheating! I'm kidding. But seriously, if you ever feel angry, frustrated, or hurt because of the world, come look for me. Come look for this book, that WE made together. You might be saying that i'm bluffing but, I'm not. This book is my life. Treat this book like a friend. Because i refer to you. Girl, boy, man, woman, or apart of the LGBTQ+ community, remember this. Whoever you are, and i mean WHOEVER, personality, status, anyone, I'm open just for you. Let me give you a lollipop and together we'll say: BLAME IT ON THE LOLLIPOP!