The Sweetest Thing...
By m00nset
  • Romance
  • action
  • alpha
  • baker
  • bakery
  • cops
  • cupcakes
  • dog
  • ex-girlfriend
  • explict
  • happy-ending
  • hotguys
  • hotmen
  • hottie
  • k-9
  • love
  • loveatfirstsight
  • lovestory
  • mature
  • police
  • policeofficer
  • romance
  • sexy
  • smutwarning
  • swat
  • team
  • texttospeech


Emily "Lily" Wilson had a tough life. With no family to help her, she was used to do everything on her own. She raised herself, she thought herself how to cook, and felt in love with baking. Her dream was to open her own place, where she can share her love for the sweet stuff with the others. That was why she was at the bank that day. She expected to persuade them to have trust in her idea and let her a loan. What she didn't expect was being shot at, nor she expected a hot man, covered from head to toes in black, to safe her. And she definitely didn't expect that man to make himself a permanent place in her life, with his dog right beside him. But like everything in her life, even this hottie couldn't keep her safe from all the bad that was trying to catch her at every corner. He for sure will try his best, but will it be enough? "The Sweetest Thing" is Book 1 of the "SWAT Team" series. It can be read as a stand-alone.

01 - Not as planned

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The Sweet...
by m00nset