Below The Tide (Cha...
By AkoSiHurricane
  • General Fiction
  • alyloony
  • bluemaiden
  • celebrity
  • charity
  • friendship
  • hope
  • maxinejiji
  • romance


CHARITY SERIES #1 Betina Tiara Garrison, is a Veterinary Doctor who was the only survivor from a tragic accident and lost her whole family during a trip in her 18th birthday. After she was saved by someone, she thought that her late family was enough to smash her heart into pieces- but when she reached her dream to become a Veterinary Doctor, that's when she lost her own friends with extreme resentment over her to the point that they want to capture and get her killed. But one day... she accidentally wokes up in a strange- secret apartment and forced to be an Event Coordinator for a private charity where she met a group of boys with different personalities and status in life. Will these bunch of guys bring joy to her life again...? Or will they cause anguish and ruin her for the 3rd time...? ⚠️DEEP INFORMATION WAS BLOCKED BY UNKNOWN⚠️ The series contains from light to deep story. "Below The Tide" Series #1 is a light-easygoing romance story embodied with direful past on the main characters of THIS novel. xxxDESCRIPTION UNKNOWNxxx

• Preface •

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Below The...
by AkoSiHurricane