Take Me for Granted
By byulfighter00
  • Teen Fiction
  • class
  • easy
  • fake
  • fakefriends
  • fakesmile
  • favor
  • friendship
  • innocent
  • kindness
  • lies
  • relatable
  • schoolproject
  • strange
  • takenforgranted
  • teenfiction
  • tragedy
  • trust
  • work


"Diane? Can you do me a favor?" "Ms. Santos, kindly go to faculty office and get my laptop." "You're in our group! We'll pay for everything just do the job." Have you ever try saying "No" to someone? How do you feel everytime they ask you to do something you don't like? Diane Santos is a graduating student. She's been working at night to help her brother pay for his tuition. She believes that being kind and helpful to others doesn't mean anything. Diane is a sweet and innocent girl. She loves participating on every academic events at her campus. Everything is just fine until Diane fell in love to a guy named Lincoln. How will Diane handle a relationship she never had before? Will Lincoln be the right person for her? Diane is an innocent girl, when will she realize that she has only been taken for granted by the people around her?

Moving to New Apartment

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Take Me f...
by byulfighter00