The Eagle Prince
By That1Birdy
  • Fanfiction
  • countryhumans
  • germany
  • murder
  • mystery
  • poland
  • scary
  • violence


Germany was an orphan after World War 2. He was only 3 when it ended. The UN and EU tried to get others to adopt him but no one would take him due to his father's legacy. after sometime UN decided to hold a meeting and it was decided that Poland would adopt him. Poland rejected the idea, but UN told him that if he raised Germany properly that he wouldn't grow up to do the awful things his father did, because he wouldn't want to hurt people like he had hurt Poland. Eventually, Poland gave in. Germany grew up and Poland started to realize how gentle Germany was. But he also noticed that there was definitely something off about Germany too, but he couldn't place it. Germany seemed to be really..... obsessed.... with Poland. And then there was that drawing of them both having wings. Germany didn't have wings..... And something really changed with Germany as he went to school and was bullied...... What's wrong with Germany?

The UN meeting

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The Eagle...
by That1Birdy