Scott Pilgrim is known as a guy who can fight, and can fight his way into getting whatever the hell he ever wanted. Whether it was rescuing a certain red-haired ex of his, or fighting the seven exes of a certain multi-colored-haired girl, who he is currently obsessing. He is also known, in a nutshell, as a manwhore and the scummiest guy to ever exist in the history of the universe. He could be considered a sociopath, because in every relationship he was in, he would completely disregard whatever his partner may feel when he starts obsessing over another girl. Some were lucky to even be informed early on, rather than finding out later. Kim Pine, an aloof girl with a talent for drums, would be his first ever girlfriend. She would also be his first victim. She would also be the one who would refuse to give up on him. ------ I recommend that you read the comics, before reading this. Or at least watch the movie. ------ Scott Pilgrim V.S. The World and its characters are properties of Bryan Lee O'Malley Go read Scott Pilgrim V.S. The World Comics (Completely worth your time) or watch the movie on Netflix (It is directed by Edgar Wright btw) or do both, because there would obviously be some sort of divergence in the movie and comics (duh).
Level # 1: St. Joel's Catholic High School