Before the Seven My...
By RainOfOreos
  • Fanfiction
  • amane
  • amaneyugi
  • anime
  • characterxreader
  • fanfic
  • fanfiction
  • femalexmale
  • hanako
  • hanakoxreader
  • jibakushonenhanakokun
  • jshk
  • malexfemale
  • minamoto
  • readerxcharacter
  • romancefanfiction
  • tbhk
  • toiletboundhanakokun
  • tsuchigomori
  • tsukasa
  • tsukasayugi
  • xreader
  • yugi
  • yugiamane
  • yugitsukasa


"Have you heard of how the Seven Mysteries of Kamome Academy formed? They say that Hanako-san the bathroom ghost, the most powerful of them all, is the one to have gathered the mysteries together, thanks to the effort of one human boy." (Y/N), otherwise known as Hanako-san, is the most powerful apparition in Kamome, though she isn't the only strong one. She enjoys bothering the other powerful apparitions in her spare time and unofficially protects the school from lower, pesky supernaturals. Her days in death were a little dull, but what could she really do about that? That is until one day, when a short, bruised boy comes knocking on her stall, wishing for the impossible . . . ~~~~~~~~ I don't own the cover image, it's from the awesome MiscellaneousFan, and she doesn't own the pictures used to create it. I also don't own Toilet Bound Hanako-kun/Jibaku Shōnen Hanako-kun or any of its characters. This story is not official to the anime or manga in any capacity and takes place while Amane is still alive, long before the events of the show and manga. However, there will still be spoilers for those who haven't read the manga. Where exactly the spoilers are won't be mentioned. I have abandoned the story because I started this while I was 16, and as I'm no longer a minor I don't feel comfortable writing a romance story with a reader x minor character. It's up for grabs if anyone wants my old story plans and unpublished chapter, I just would like credit in the description. Thank you!


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Before th...
by RainOfOreos