6 Years Late- Fate...
By KitTingKat
  • Spiritual
  • happyending
  • history3
  • makeourdayscount
  • modc


6 years after the accident Sun Bo sees Xi Gu in a dream asking for help. Xi Gu has been gone for 6 years, how could he need help now? Taking place after the final Episode that destroyed us all and the contradicting things Hao Ting said, this was born from my mind of insomnia. It has a happy ending and utilizes a story I heard from a friend's grandmother a LONG time ago. I've tried to find other versions but it's never close to the one I was told. The Story is told in the way she told me and my friend years ago. I don't know if it has any cultural significance as I've been unable in my research to find this story attributed to a single culture or even at all. She may have just made this up. I'm not sure, sadly she's not with us any longer, and when I asked my friend they said that their father had grown up hearing it as well.

6 years later

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6 Years L...
by KitTingKat