Our World
By BigBoyMunchkin
  • Teen Fiction
  • adventure
  • death
  • fantasy
  • journey
  • little
  • littlebitofromance
  • night
  • romance
  • sixteen
  • teen
  • visions


Six friends at the age of fourteen have mysterious, sad, and perilous things happen to them. During a dream Sienna sees a vision, and knows most of what will happen, but not when or why. She tells no one and tries to prevent them, unsuccessfully. She tries not to stress about the terrible things yet to come, and tries to spend more time with her awesome friends Nadia, Sarah, Meaghan, Maddy, and Jo. But how long will it last before someone gets hurt, or killed. All they want are answers, and justice. And they intend on getting it. Blood will be shed, other worlds will be visited, and newfound kick-butt powers and ninja skills will be revealed. Oh and a little bit o romance. I won't say anymore except that this will be in the other world as well and such. I'm mostly making this up as I go along. Also slow updates!

Friends and Mario Kart

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Our World
by BigBoyMunchkin