The Children of New...
By AnjaliM7
  • Adventure
  • determined
  • dystopian
  • family
  • friendship
  • mystery


Children are taken away from their families at a young age to be able to grow independently. And at age sixteen, they are given an apricot-resembling fruit and taken away to another land. One curious, pertinacious girl, Taylor Bazen, tries to find the truth behind what happened to her friends when they were shipped off after eating the fruit. She tries to find answers to this while trying to find her true self and the person that she wants to be in the future. Her present is ever-changing, but it's her best friend, her long-lost family, and her will to find the truth that give her the strength to keep on going. So far I have only finished chapter one. Please let me know if you have any suggestions or comments. Thank you so much!

Chapter 1

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The Child...
by AnjaliM7