Cupid And Sin (re-w...
By EbonyAnderson5
  • Teen Fiction
  • badboy
  • bekind
  • bullied
  • crime
  • cupid
  • drama
  • goodgirl
  • gắng
  • mafia
  • romance
  • saviour
  • sin
  • standuptobullying
  • teenfiction
  • wordshurt


Being hated is something Cupid is used too. Don't let her name fool you, she wont come with a bow and arrow and shoot you with it. She isn't a matchmaker. In fact she has been bullied most of her life. She has no social life, no friends. One day she decides to go on a walk. I know what your thinking. Nothing could go wrong right. WRONG. Fate decides to do a 360 turn and kick her up the behind. On her dazed walk she ends up in the wrong side of town. Of course. Not knowing where she is or where to go she ends up witnessing something she really didn't want to see and well she shouldn't have and ends up in a bundle of chaos. .. "So what brings you to this side of town kiddo?" Sin Clarke asked. Wait a minute! Kiddo? We are the same age. He looked really hot. Wait, NO! I cannot be thinking like that at a time like this. "I-I went for a walk and ended up lost." I stuttered pathetically. Stupid nreves. He tilted his head and smirked. "This isn't a place you want to be associated with, but your pretty little eyes have saw something they shouldn't have. So I guess I can't let you go" He sighed and I gulped. "What are you going to do to me?" I asked holding back tears. Well this is it, my life is over I can kiss college goodbye because Karma came back and punched me in the gut. "It's not what I am going to do to you, It's what your going to do for me." He said placing a fag in between his lips and lit it. He turned around but not before saying one last thing. "Get yourself home kiddo, you'll hear from me when I need you, keep your mouth shut or you will pay the price." He finished his sentence before climbing on his motorbike, he revved the engine and sped off away from me. Oh Cupid what have you done! A/N Contains mature content read at your own risk.

Capter 1: Crime, Chaos and Cupid

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Cupid And...
by EbonyAnderson5