Broken Angel (TMI F...
By WordsArentJustWords
  • Fanfiction
  • cheated
  • clace
  • clary
  • death
  • drama
  • fanfic
  • jace
  • love
  • runes
  • stronger
  • themortalinstruments


Clary Fray is a normal teenage girl. Well, except for the fact that she is a Shadowhunter. Who kills demons on a weekly basis, has magical runes for healing, and has the most angelic boyfriend: Jace. But things change when Clary Fray catches Jace cheating on her. So instead of facing her problems head on she escapes her pass by traveling to the Institute in London. Where she meets the incredibly handsome and short-tempered James. But while training to be a better Shadowhuter things take a turn for the worse when Clary comes to face with a demon no one has seen yet. While injured in battle Clary comes to find that she has new abilities after she has recovered. When the Clave finds out what she can do with her new founded power war breaks out to see who can have Clary as a new weapon. But along with the Clave and other opponents trying to capture her who will come to her aid? Will the Lightwoods help an old friend out? And what will happen when a certain evil brother comes and visit Clary's and she finds that not every story she heard was true? War will rise. Love ones will die. And wings will be broken. What will happen? Find out in Broken Angel


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Broken An...
by WordsArentJustWords