Silent Rebellion (O...
By IntoxicatedThoughts
  • Teen Fiction
  • alcohol
  • family
  • other
  • problems
  • random
  • rebellion
  • silent


His soul burned, his heart hurt, he felt lost. They say you’ll be successful if you know what you want to do and where you want to go, but him he’s got no clue. He doesn’t have a direction. He’s a lost soul, trying to find himself in this lonely world. He’s just trying to find himself and what’s missing within. He’s searching and searching for places to go and get away from things, like his own thoughts, but in reality, you can’t escape your mind. You cannot run from yourself and you can’t escape your thoughts. That’s what he hated. He hated his thoughts. He hated his mind. He hated his soul. Most of all, he hated himself. He wondered why he was who he was. He knew everyone was on this earth for a reason, but what was his? He felt like he didn’t have one, like he was just put onto this cold world to be a nothing for the rest of his life. He wanted someone to come and save him. He wanted someone to feel what he felt. But most of all, he wanted someone to care. He yearned for feeling normal and happy, but that just wasn’t him. His heart was big, he often cared too much. He was different from other guys, he had these hidden emotions and feelings that he kept bottled up inside. The little things hit him deep in the gut. He just wanted to be wanted, he wanted to not feel so alone all the time. He wanted more than what he was. After a while he got good at pretending. Everyone thought he was fine, but they thought wrong. This boy was far from fine.

Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Silent Re...
by IntoxicatedThoughts