By ari2delley
  • Teen Fiction
  • aberration
  • dystopian
  • futuristic
  • government
  • read
  • superpowers
  • teenagers


Aberration's are bad. Aberration's aren't natural. Aberration's will taint you. The Five Majors is the perfect country. Consisting of five great cities, the country is altogether hasn't a single flaw. Everything is clean, planned out, controlled. Everything except the Aberration's. When Aberration's started popping up everywhere, causing chaos to wreak havoc among the normal citizens, the government decided to round them all up and shelter them away from society. Arden Kido was totally fine with this as long as the authorities didn't bother her or anyone she loved (which was few) but when the Bloodhounds, or bounty hunters, snatched her best friend, Isaac Jude, right from his bed, she could not turn a blind eye. Finally stepping out of her safe haven after many years, Arden faces her dark past she's tried so hard to suppress. She doesn't know why they took Isaac, she doesn't know where they're taking him, all she really knows is that she's bringing him home, no matter what the sacrifice. Arden Kido is willing to give it all to save her best friend

Chapter One: Cliff Diving

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by ari2delley