Bleeding Heart
By realboisabi
  • Romance
  • lovestory
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  • romance
  • romancestories


It was a long day at work and Kate was more than happy that she was finally heading home. She loved her job but when it came to working for 9 hours with only a 15 minutes lunch break, resentment once in a while crept into her heart. She mumbled a thank you to the cabdriver when he dropped her at her apartment. The lights were off and Kate was kinda relieved she'll have some time for herself before Larry , her husband came home. She hastily opened the door, switched on the lights,headed straight to the bedroom where she removed her clothes and went to get fresh pair of home clothes in theirwardrobe .She was shocked at the sight of no clothes in her husband's side of the wardrobe , thinking they had been robbed she quickly grabbed her phone dialled her husband but it went straight to voicemail which was so strange. She couldn't understand why someone would break in to steal Larry's clothes. While grabbing a t-shirt she decided to wait for him knowing he won't take long to be home.Then she saw it,the sticky note on the nightstand which wasn't there before. Reading it her world crushed down, her perfect life plan was over and all she was left with was a note that said" I'M SORRY FOR USING YOU,THIS MARRIAGE WAS A BIG LIE BUT I HOPE ONE DAY YOU'LL FORGIVE ME"

The Big Tragedy

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by realboisabi