what are you afraid of? the advertisement demands. can you make it to the end of the virtual reality game that exploits your darkest, deepest fears and uses them against you? jimin thinks he can, even though he is afraid of almost everything in the book. he is determined to finish the game despite his roommate hoseok's worries. but more than anything, jimin is determined to make it to the final level and get into the exclusive 'winner's circle.' so when jimin gets paired with a strange player with a strict 'no personals' rule, he finds himself in an awkward position. how is he supposed to beat his fears with user pluto97 if he can't get close? gamerAU! fearAU! This is a work of fiction. No characters or events portrayed in this book are related to BTS or any existing virtual reality game. Warning. Contains profanities, mature concepts, various phobias, and soup. Lots of soup.