By CrystalQueeen
  • Fantasy
  • abuse
  • adult
  • assualt
  • broken
  • competition
  • domme
  • famous
  • kidnapped
  • love
  • lust
  • mature
  • money
  • power
  • rich
  • sad
  • sexism
  • sexual
  • sexualfantasy
  • smutwarning
  • steamy
  • stereotypes
  • trapped


Seeing two men standing at the door of your bathroom while you were naked was traumatising. What one of them was about to do to me was a lot worse. His familiar face haunting me with the wicked plans I could almost see running through his mind as he closed the door and locked it. It had been locked before and I didn't know how he got in. Then he turned to me. His eyes gazed down at my half covered body, my arms failing to keep much hidden from his bitter eyes searching my bare skin. Then he smiled. He hadn't been expecting me to be the one standing there without a towel or clothes. I hated it. But I dreaded the young girls casually staying in the hotel who would have had to go through this if it wasn't me. My stomach turned at how vulnerable I was in front of this crazy man but I knew the other girls' pride would be spared for tonight. Because I was in front of him. ....................... WARNING!! If you know you suffer from past experiences that can be resurfaced by reading similar events or acts of sexual or physical abuse, DO NOT read further into the book. If you are under 18 I also ask that you DO NOT continue because of various scenes that arise.

City Stereotypes

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by CrystalQueeen