What We Didn't...
By SwanxCrow
  • Romance
  • city
  • college
  • comedy
  • confusion
  • drama
  • enemies
  • enemiestolovers
  • fiction
  • first
  • firstlove
  • heart-felt
  • heartbreak
  • lessonlearned
  • love
  • lovestory
  • psychological
  • realistic
  • realisticfiction
  • rom-com
  • romance
  • thoughtsandfeelings
  • time
  • toxic
  • unrequitedlove
  • youngadult


"If two ex-lovers can remain friends, it's either they're still in love or they never were." In her case, she is still inevitably in love with him -- even with all the damage he left behind. And she wonders if he still loves her...or if he never did. She believes the latter. After having had a blissful relationship, things eventually began to take turns for the worse. And when worse got to worse, the worst happened. With their breakup still lingering in her life, Tanya finds it hard to move on, even after a few months (and what even, to her, feels like years) later. Alex has seems undeniably thriving, like none of the relationship ever even existed or mattered. Tanya finds it difficult to move on from someone who was her first everything and she is still attached to the idea that Alex had given her would happen in the future. Alex, on the other hand, doesn't seem fazed at all; hooking up with other girls and going to parties. With betrayal, Tanya feels like all she's done in the process of everything, she's lost everything. With stubbornness, Alex feels like he was and always will be in the right. With two hurt people finding ways to heal, they do more harm than help. One holds on to what she can't let go while the other pushes what he doesn't want to have. With constant push and pull, it is hard to find where the balance lies. Will they find each other again? Or lose themselves in the process of holding on to something that seems to be so long gone? - This is the story of unrequited love, toxicity from others and within, finding methods to cope with an undeniable broken heart (hearts?), and believing someone is yours even when they try to make you see and believe otherwise.

- preface: significant moment -

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What We D...
by SwanxCrow