LAVENDER: Revenge o...
By SanC-Rylie
  • Action
  • action
  • action-romance
  • alphafemale
  • betrayal
  • crimefiction
  • family
  • femaleboss
  • fiction
  • love
  • mafia
  • romance
  • sister


Lavender is a part of a team of mostly female private agents, known as Alpha et Feminam- (The Alpha Females) They are anonymous, skilled and trained to expose international conspiracy, eliminate corrupt organizations, and other illegal operations that the regular government cannot control. On top of being an agent, Lavender is determined to work along with the help of her fellow agents to find out the mastermind behind an incident which changed her life and stir her into the path of becoming an agent. However, along the journey there are more secrets to uncover- like who is even the real head behind their team of agents? In addition, could catching the interest of a mysterious guy be grounds for a possible love story in the making or is he just another threat which needs to be eliminated? Read more to find out about Lavender Hayes' journey.

Chapter One

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by SanC-Rylie