Chasing the Hurrica...
By annahhh9
  • General Fiction
  • eunice
  • exclusive
  • kevin
  • lifechanging
  • lovable
  • lovestory
  • mature-content
  • teenager
  • teenlife
  • university


[COMPLETED] General Santos City Series #1 Eunella Nicole Monzano had fled with him, escaping the sudden shift in their world. She believed she had made a terrible mistake, that she had been blinded by her own feelings. So she ran, taking her baby with her, seeking refuge in the anonymity of a distant state, hoping to disappear into the fabric of a new life. But fate, it seemed, had other plans. Years later, she returned, drawn back by a force she couldn't resist. And there he was, waiting for her, his presence a storm she couldn't outrun. He had found her, the lost hurricane, and now he was determined to abate the storm within her, using the steady rhythm of his heartbeat as a beacon. But the truth was a cruel wind, whispering warnings of a love that could never be. He had a family, a life she couldn't intrude upon. Yet, she found herself falling for him again, a dangerous dance with a love that was forbidden.

Chasing the Hurricane

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Chasing t...
by annahhh9