Becoming Mr. Right
By earlybirdfanlover775
  • Romance
  • bayyanlış
  • bravetogether
  • drama
  • erkencikuş
  • ozgur
  • ozguratasoy
  • romance
  • sanem
  • sanemaydin
  • turkish
  • özsan


This is my first fanfic or story. I hope you will like it. I merge some characters of my beloved Erkenci Kuş with the upcoming series Bay Yanlış (Mr. Wrong). As the series is expected to start filming in May. I use as inspiration the plot that was publish by Gold Film. This story will be classified as mature content, but don't expect it right away, it will appear as the story will develop. Sanem Aydin is a Global Director of @EarlyBird Jewelry Division of the Aydin Holding, a Family Co. dedicated to Cosmetics/Perfumes/Jewelry. Her father, Nıhat Aydin built this empire from scratch. He came from a modest family from Istanbul. He work hard in to receive an education and build his company, that in years became the #1 company in its field with offices in Turkey, Spain and Italy. Sanem is a well educated woman, she received a top notch education. She went to the King's College of Madrid, a Boarding School and the University of Bologna, Business School. Graduated top of her class. This not only serves well to the family business, but her's as well. She speaks Turkish, Spanish, Italian and English. At 28 she made great contributions to the family business. But her personal life is another thing. When things seems to be flowing smoothly, reality hits hard. Fives days before her wedding with a respectable publisher Yiğit Ersöz, something happens that will change her life completely. Özgür is a free spirit 30 year old extremely handsome man from a wealthy traditional family from Köyceğiz, Turkey. Although he was well educated and studied International Banking Law in Oxford University, his passion is music and cooking. His family planned everything for him, even love and marriage. His experience in college make him aspired for his individual freedom. At his return home he was received with an unpleasant surprise that make him run away to Bodrum. And his life will start at that moment. It will be in Bodrum when unexpectedly he will become Mr. Right!


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by earlybirdfanlover775