A single feather
By Emma_Rose_1
  • Fantasy
  • -romance
  • dystopian
  • faeries
  • fairies
  • fairytail
  • fantasy
  • fantasy-romance
  • fiction
  • fictionalcharacters
  • loss
  • love
  • magic
  • magicalcreatures
  • powers
  • romance


In a world filled with magic one would imagine life to be the image of perfection. However fate is not so kind-hearted. Rather fate escorts a dark prophecy, tormenting those caught in its dark web and replacing anyone who refuses to submit. Darya, a mere human, lives a relatively normal life. Victim to the disadvantages paired with being human, Darya only wishes to escape her current life and to be free of all her responsibilities. Then one day a mysterious man comes to stay at her father's inn. Suddenly her old life looks rather appealing as the future of the very world rests of her tired shoulders, as she has to go against fate itself. Esmeralda was chosen by fate, however fate could easily replace her and she knows it. Having grown up being taught to follow an unclear prophecy, Esmeralda had always done as was expected lest the prophecy replace her with someone better at complying. She knew that the only way her life would be worth anything would be to follow through. However, when the prophecy expects her to do the most inexcusable of sins, will she submit? How far will she go to be remembered? Warning: this is not a faerie tale.

And so it began

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A single...
by Emma_Rose_1