Million Dollar Assi...
By LJAbrams
  • Romance
  • business
  • female
  • femaleprotagonist
  • feminine
  • feminism
  • strong
  • strong-female-character
  • strongfemalecharacter


"So you would like me to hire your... rather infamous son?" Morgan almost chuckled. Mrs Pichot smirked, " Miss Samuals, you might not know me... but I indeed know you." ... "We have only, only just reached the turning point for women and unless we stand strong in this movement, united as women who want more than to be seen as breeders and caregivers to chauvinistic selfish men, this movement will stop here and we have only just broken through gender stereotypes. Many minds are opening, yes, but there are still these misconstrued ideas that a woman will only be happy once she has settled down and has had children." Morgan leans back against the bench back, "I admire people who find love and want to carry on their bloodline. I won't say I am a romantic and although my sisters' escapades have me at a disadvantage, I do respect that everyone's priorities differ. You have children and I am sure this agape love is real for some and that you don't regret your kids," Morgan laughs at herself teasing the older woman, "Even Damon," Morgan shakes her head smiling, "I honestly respect a woman like you who has managed to have it all." Morgan raises her glass to cheer Mrs Pichott and she returns the gesture, clinking their glasses, "I cannot say I am a woman who wants it all. I just want to be in a position where I never have to rely on anyone else to live the life I want to lead. All I want in life is to prove I am equal if not superior to those who would judge me on outdated pre assumed notions. I do believe we women hold more power, than the men of this era and the era's before this would like us to believe." Mrs Pichott, sat back again, and eyed Morgan tentatively, she smiled a sly smile that was somewhat sultry as she was a very attractive fifty-seven. She pointed at Morgan with her now full again champagne glass, "and this my dear," she brought the glass to her lips and sipped, "is why you're the perfect candidate to deal with my very charming, but very backwards son."


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Million D...
by LJAbrams