Redemption |complet...
By Mel55_59
  • Fanfiction
  • afterthewar
  • completed
  • fanfiction
  • fighting
  • hiddenleafvillage
  • konoha
  • konohagakure
  • lovestory
  • naruhina
  • naruto
  • narutofanfic
  • narutolovestory
  • narutouzumaki
  • ninja
  • ongoing
  • sakura
  • sakuraharuno
  • sakusasu
  • sasuke
  • sasukelovestory
  • sasukeuchiha
  • sasukexsakura
  • sasusaku
  • sasusakufanfiction
  • texttospeech
  • travel


(Complete) Sasuke comes back to Konoha after a journey seeking atonement and redemption. Finally becoming the man his brother wished he will be, he decides that it is time to make amends with the ones he left behind. He realizes that it won't be as easy as he thought it was going to be. What happened in the time period from Sasuke's come back to Boruto? What secrets did Sasuke and Sakura discover while they were away? A story that shows what happened from the time he got back to the moment when Sasuke sees Sarada again. Rated M for sexual content, mental illness and mental breakdown and a sexual abuse situation. Trigger warning at the start of every chapter containing hard topics and scenes like that are in italic so you can skip over them. (Every lemon can be skipped, they don't impact the story.) The timeline is respected as much as possible and I try to keep my characters in character without changing them too much I do not own any of the character I only own the story. Ps: I started this story during Covid lockdown and wanted to help people escape for an hour a day so I write a chapter for every day of my country's lockdown... hence why there are so ,any chapters.

The Rise of Buried Emotions

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by Mel55_59