The Meaning of His...
By LucasLovesBurgers
  • Fanfiction
  • angst
  • austria
  • help
  • hetalia
  • kugelmugel
  • oneshot
  • prussiaisherebutismentionedinlikefoursentences
  • sad
  • writingtest


Austria never cries- it's just something he doesn't do. But that doesn't mean he hasn't cried before. -- -Warnings- ×Character Death This is a random oneshot I threw together to test my current writing skills. Well, specially in terms of writing a character's PoV of loss while still in the third person. Criticism is accepted on this one. -Questions and Answers- Q: Will this be continued? A: Most likely not. This is just a writing test. Q: Was the custom book cover really necessary? A: I was bored and wanted to reference OFF so yes it was completely necessary. Q: Will there be more public writing tests? A: Yes, I plan on doing writing tests every year so I can judge my improvement from the last time. Q: Will you remake this in future writing tests? A: Unlikely, but its possible. Q: How harsh can we be with criticism? A: Well I want actual constructive criticism that will help me better my writing abilities, but if you want to make me cry with how my use of semi-colons is absolute shit then sure go ahead. Q: Do you enjoy breaking your favorite characters hearts? A: Possibly. Q: Will you finally fucking update Your Lesson and My Heartbreak? A: I was never here this is an illusion

Writing Test

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The Meani...
by LucasLovesBurgers