Adopted by Idina Me...
By LindsayMendez
  • Fanfiction
  • aaronlohr
  • actress
  • adopt
  • adoptedby
  • adoptedbyidinamenzel
  • broadway
  • broadwayrpf
  • celebrity
  • elphaba
  • fanzel
  • fosterfamily
  • frozen
  • idina
  • idinamenzel
  • ifthen
  • ifthenmusical
  • lohrzel
  • menzel
  • realpersonfanfiction
  • rpf
  • wicked
  • wickedrpf
  • wickedthemusical


Erika Rivera was walking back from school one day when she saw a little boy run into the road right into the path of an oncoming bus. In a split-second decision, she dashed into the traffic and pulled the kid away, then quickly flees the scene. She had no idea who the kid was, nor who his mother was. All she cared about was getting back in time to make supper for her foster family. Little did she know how much her life was about to change, for better and for worse as tension rise with an unknown blackmailer and Idina's secretive past with her ex comes back to haunt her. But Erika's never had an easy life. And Idina might just be the next in a long line of people to let her down. She has one job: do not get attached. It should be easy, right? Idina wants nothing more than to give Erika the life she deserves. But Erika wants nothing to do with her. Will she manage to break down the walls between them, or will she be exactly what Erika expects her to be? ~~Cover by BookishBillboards~~ Rankings: #1 in ifthen on May 24th, 2020!!! #1 in elphaba on June 20th, 2020!!!

Chapter 1

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Adopted b...
by LindsayMendez