Tale 2: War of the...
By Alexandra2de3Gausia
  • Science Fiction
  • amnesia
  • companion
  • peace
  • protector
  • seeker
  • series
  • tale
  • war


Adalia wakes up on the sidewalk, in a city floating in the air; a city named Sky. She is bloody, broken, and worst of all, she can’t remember anything. Not even her own name. She is picked up by a troublesome crew under the leadership of Zeke Skyheart, an attractive troublemaker who only ever seems to smile for her. She is taught the way of the city, and how to live under the reign of a dictator and his army. Basically meaning she learns to steal from innocent citizens, sell on the black market, play referee in gang fights, and eye the Guard’s fancy hoverboards that could one day help Zeke and his motley crew to rally an army of their own and seize the city. But when Adalia’s past starts to haunt her, friends turn into foes and hearts are broken to the edge of beyond repair. She is capable of more than she ever thought she’d be capable of. She can do things she never imagined she could do. And she can think things she doesn’t even know. But who are the people she keeps seeing in her dreams? Who is the boy featured in almost all of them? But more importantly… Who was she? And so, ladies and gentlemen, I give you the War of the Seeker. Companion to Tale 1: War of the Protector.

Chapter 1

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Tale 2: W...
by Alexandra2de3Gausia