Atlas (In progress)
By xTitusxD
  • Fantasy
  • aliens
  • fantasy
  • mystery
  • personalproject
  • science-fantasy
  • scifi-fantasy
  • space
  • spaceadventure
  • story


A fantasy, sci-fi story. As a child, Arya's parents left her without an explanation, leaving the poor child in their best friend Seraphina's hands. 10 years later, in the forest's of their village Arya encounters some strange looking people, that threaten to kill her and kidnap Arya's only friend and companion, a forest wisp that supposedly fell from the stars, and has been beside Arya since she was a child. As her magic begins to grow, she finds a badge that is the key to finding her parents again. (They might be dead they might not) Discoveries about her caretaker and her parents are revealed, as her childhood wish begins to take place. To live up with the stars. But a sacrifice must be made. By the way, this story is a fantasy, sci-fi, adventure, mystery and a bit of romance. This is not set on earth, it's on another planet.


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Atlas (In...
by xTitusxD