The girl with the s...
By MaeBlueberry
  • Fanfiction
  • black
  • blanche
  • dragonneau
  • evans
  • gryffindor
  • hogwart
  • hufflepuff
  • james
  • lily
  • lupin
  • maraudeurs
  • moony
  • newt
  • padfoot
  • peter
  • pettigrow
  • potter
  • prongs
  • ravenclaw
  • remus
  • scamander
  • sirius
  • william
  • wormtmail


Remus meets each days at the library of Hogwarts, the same student of Ravenclaw with a strange suitcase. She always keep it with her, and it seems like she protect it. Lily Evans has always hated the arrogant James Potter with his flyaway hair ans his rond glasses. Why does this change ? Sirius Black become friend with William Kovalski, a Hufflepuff boy of his age. The young boy isn't a member of the maraudeurs but he help them when he can. Severus Rogue doesn't know what to choose. The power or love ? The good or evil ? Snow Scamander is interested by a young Slytherin who always roam the halls with a sad expression. James Potter has always find Lily Evans to strict at its convenience, with her red hair and her emerald eyes. Why does that change ? --------------------------------------------------- Hi, so I have to explain ; I'm not English, I'm French so I don't speak English like a native. I'm sorry for all the fault, and if you want to correct me, I will be happy because I translate this history to prepare an english exam so all the occasions to become better in English are good for me. So, enjoy your reading !

Chapter 0 : the day everything changed

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The girl...
by MaeBlueberry