The Ending
By oceansiero
  • Horror
  • aussies
  • disappearing
  • ending
  • hole
  • horror
  • scary


Adelaide and Landon are two tenth graders who see each other almost everyday. Adelaide begins to receive mysterious threat letters from someone unknown. When Landon all of a sudden goes missing, Adelaide goes to look for him, but realizes he's trapped in a disappearing world. Adelaide doesn't know how much time Landon has left before his world disappears and Landon dies with it. She falls into a deep hole, hoping she'd find her lost friend, but instead traps herself in the disappearing world, too. Adelaide soon finds out Landon has turned evil and tries to kill Adelaide. She doesn't know who is doing this or how to get Landon back. When Adelaide splices Landon's arm, the ghastly spirit emerges from Landon and splits to the underworld. Adelaide is afraid she severely hurt Landon and becomes extremely suicidal and kills herself. The world ends up disappearing and the two died with it. ⓒ 2014 All Right Reserved.


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The Ending
by oceansiero