New Blood, Boiling...
By Crow_Child
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In this world, where crime runs rampant, violence is treated like a soap opera, bringing entertainment to families worldwide. Whole cities, such as Vairenburg, are overrun with crime families, schemes, cons, and violence, all ripe for the picking. And producers have seized the golden opportunities presented to them. The power struggle to seize the throne of a city is the worlds highest grossing genre. But this broadcasting isn't only beneficial to the viewers. In these cutthroat cities, popularity is as good as gold. Dedicated fans have found ways to support there favorite crime groups, and this support can mean the difference between the throne and a body bag. Follow new blood as they try to conquer the city of Vairenburg, and capture the hearts of viewers across the world. Watch as they employ innovative and creative techniques in both their criminal endeavors, and their social growth.

New Blood in the Water, Sharks in the Streets

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New Blood...
by Crow_Child