Music of the Spheres
By joe_wizz
  • Science Fiction
  • action
  • artificialintelligence
  • drama
  • mystery
  • mystery-thriller
  • political
  • politicaldrama
  • science
  • science-fantasy
  • scifi
  • space
  • space-travel
  • spaceopera
  • spacetravel
  • tech
  • technology
  • thriller


The surface of Impetus is to today's society what space was to their ancestors, a vast unknown entity looming overhead in all directions. A new frontier. It seemed a regressive direction for humanity, having already dipped a toe in the proverbial pool that is space. Yet now, here on Impetus, the majority dwell underground, fearing the surface, fearing both what they already know and what is yet to be discovered. Remy is part of the first generation born on Impetus, an abstruse and perilous planet whose atmosphere instils delusions upon any whom breath it unprotected. The industrial planet was only recently occupied by humanity after discovering an indigenous mineral called Xemotex. This ethereal mineral has unique properties and is believed to facilitate FTL travel. Under rule from Central, the oligarchy has a tight grip on the Xemotex industry. Continuous scouting missions of the surface are conducted and shrouded in secrecy, an operation which Remy desperately wants to join. Impetus guards its mysteries fiercely, but Remy is determined to unravel the truth behind his fathers disappearance.


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Music of...
by joe_wizz