By svfate
  • Vampire
  • betrayal
  • blood
  • fight
  • heir
  • hunting
  • king
  • love
  • mates
  • mating
  • princess
  • queen
  • romance
  • royalblood
  • royalty
  • royalwedding
  • slave
  • soulmates
  • vampire
  • vampirehunter
  • vampirelovestory
  • vampireromance
  • vampires
  • wattpad


#1 vampire 10/07/22 I stared at him numbly as they dragged me away in shackles. Regret flashed in his eyes for a brief second when I was thrown into the cell but then it was replaced by a blank emotionless gaze. After everything that I had done for him, he saw us no different, he saw me no different . All I had ever been in his eyes was a monster, a vampire and I would always be a monster, no matter what I did. And he was a hunter. Turning my back towards him, I crawled into the dark corner of my prison cell, hiding from his sight. My chains rattled as I curled in a fetal position, drowning in hurt and defeat. Losing myself, I let my eyes turn red and my fangs to elongate. Only thing now visible through the dark corner were my eyes. Holding his blank gaze with a chilling red one of my own. I promised him, I promised him the monster he saw me as and I promised him a good hunt. ___________________________________________ Epione is the daughter of one of the most powerful Vampire kings who sat at the table of the High King of Vampires. She's always been kind to those below her, never had a human slave, never abused any humans. So what happens when she is gifted a human slave on her birthday? What happens when she starts falling for him? But all the more importantly what happens when he betrays her? #25 romane 15/06/20 #31 mating 30/06/20 #2 vampirelovestory 24/06/20 #3 royalwedding 04/07/20 #19 vampirehunter 30/06/20 #36 royalblood 24/06/20 #59 vampireromance 24/06/20 #59 hunting 05/07/20 #49 heir 09/07/20


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by svfate