Story ideas and pro...
By MiloxThePurpleTiger
  • Random
  • ideas
  • prompts
  • stories
  • storyideas
  • writing
  • writingprompts


I have many ideas on different stories to write and I decide to go with a idea and then WHOOPS I come up with 53782 other new ideas of plots for stories I want to write and the story idea I had begun with is pushed away into the dark corner collecting dust and its story is never to be continued. So, this BOOK will consists of IDEAS and PROMPTS of STORIES that I WANT TO USE TO WRITE A FULL STORY OF but probably will never get around to do that, because my mind is a mess. Figured maybe someone else gets inspired by this and write a story something similar. With other words, feel free to do whatever you want with the prompts and ideas in here. Use them to fulfill the prophecy, bake a cake, make a list, write a book, don't jump off a bridge, hate it, change it, mix it up, get famous, grow up, eat pancakes--- you get the point. Public domain bitches. Go wild as they say! My mind always is!

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Story ide...
by MiloxThePurpleTiger