The Winter Clovers
By AcademiaNERD
  • Adventure
  • antiaverage
  • antisepticeye
  • chasebrody


Clovers are known to grow during the warmer times of the year. However, these particular clovers only grow during the winter. They're beautiful when they dusted with falling snow, or covered in a layer of frost. Many use these flowers to show their love to their significant other. And while this is a kind gesture, uprooting these wonderful plants kills them. Chase, is a forest elf. The thing about elves is that beneath their feet, plants grow. It can range from the tiniest flowers, to the biggest trees. Chase is a special elf because under his feet daisy's grow, and forest elves as usually known for growing well trees. Chase has never felt like he belonged with the rest of the elves because of this, his only comfort being the story of the Winter Clovers. Snow elves, are known for not growing plants under their feet. Instead, they keep the grass and soil underneath the layers of ice alive. However, there is one Snow elf who's path grows the winter clovers. Chase finds comfort in this story because he knows that there is another out there who shares the feeling of not fitting in. One day, he hopes to meet this Snow elf. However, traveling outside of the forest is a dangerous quest for Chase. As it is commonly known that elves grow plants under their feet they often fall victim to trafficking. Despite this Chase wants to leave the forest and make a life for himself. And perhaps, meet the snow elf. ~Antiaverage~ WARNINGS!!! I believe the only trigger warning in here is kidnapping, if something comes up that you feel should be mentioned in the warning please let me know.

B:1 C:1

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The Winte...
by AcademiaNERD