By slvtforswift
  • Fanfiction
  • byler
  • dustinhenderson
  • eleven
  • elevenhopper
  • jonothanbyers
  • joycebyers
  • karenwheeler
  • lucassinclair
  • lumax
  • maxmayfield
  • mikewheeler
  • nancywheeler
  • robinbuckley
  • steveharrington
  • strangerthings
  • texttospeech
  • wattpad
  • willbyers


this story is based on the song heather by conan gray, in which will is jealous of mike and eleven's relationship because he has a crush on mike. will believes mike will never like him back because mike is straight, but what if will is wrong and mike isn't straight? this story takes place during season three. it will be similar, but not exact. only certain events will be accurate to the actual show, but it'll mostly be stuff that i make up. 🛑 i do not own any of the characters from the actual show or any of the plot from the actual show! the things i do own is the plot that i make up or any oc's that could potentially be added!🛑 ⚠️ TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ swears and/or slurs WILL be used in this story ONLY because the 80's were a very homophobic time, so i apologize in advance if anyone is hurt by it. i myself am part of the LGBTQ+ community, so i can completely understand if you get upset.

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by slvtforswift