Final Fantasy XV- L...
By The_evilpinkcreeper
  • Fanfiction
  • bonding
  • ffxv
  • finalfantasy15
  • fluff
  • gay
  • gladiolusamicitia
  • gladnis
  • ignisscientia
  • lgbtq
  • noctisluciscaelum
  • noonesgonnareadthissomyeffortsareuseless
  • promptis
  • promptoargentum
  • smutblessing
  • sorryifitsucks
  • videogame
  • warning
  • whydoieventry


The four boys; Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum, Ignis Scientia, and Gladiolus Amicita are sent away from their town. They are unable to return to it after it is destroyed. While they're away, trying simply to survive, they gain an even stronger bond and learn a bunch of thing, good and bad, about each other. They also learn one of the main causes of the bad things...(Haha, a cliffhanger. Its me don't be surprised) Hey guys, I'm back on my bullshit. I made this story after my dad got me into this game and I became addicted to it. Some aspect of the game I'm not gonna be able to incorporate because I'm not that good of a writer, but I'll try to make it seem like a legit thing. oh, the game is, as the title said, "Final Fantasy XV (15)". This story, like all my stories, is off the top of my head and is more than likely to be completely random yet in a way make sense. Sorry if it sucks. Also, most of the art pieces I'll show are not done by me, I'm not that talented. If it's made by me I'll say something. I dont have the names of the artists, but they're so amazing and do deserve credit that I can't give. :(

A Challenge for Iggy

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Final Fan...
by The_evilpinkcreeper