Gay And Christian
By AnLizVic
  • Teen Fiction
  • ado
  • adolescence
  • childhood
  • christian
  • christianity
  • divorce
  • gay
  • hatred
  • love


I am Gay and Christian. I know it seems crazy to be Christian and Gay, but i, i am and i love to be. It wasn't easy for me to live with because i was perpetually insulted and treated like a devil just because I love guys and not girls. I know I'm not the only person having lived that kind of life and i also know there are many young people living that kind of situation right now. I just hope that by my history, those fearful people could find courage and be zealous so they could have a better life and stop hating themselves cause as i say in my history, God loves us as we are and nobody got right to order us to change and mainly to change who we really are.

Being Gay and Christian

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Gay And C...
by AnLizVic