Kiss Me Deadly
By LovePrincess2914
  • Horror


It's hard to keep secrets when you know a person's history just by looking into their eyes. The future, the present and the past mesh together when seeing the world through Rosy's eyes. Rosy's parents died when she was young and she lives with her abusive aunt. She's tired of life. So lost in life that she attempts suicide. After the suicide fail, she has a dream about a beautiful man. The new guy in her school bears a strikingly similar resemblance to this man, but it couldn't be him. Dreams don't come true. But the Prophet in her dreams tells her otherwise. Rosy has a hard time decifering what the truth is in the world anymore and it doesn't help any when she realizes that she's not safe anymore. She begins to feel eyes watching her and people following her and she knows that even her best friend and the beautiful man can't save her from the danger she must face.


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Kiss Me D...
by LovePrincess2914