Shimmering Tails: F...
By jaidsaue
  • Fantasy
  • boy
  • fiction
  • girl
  • hidden
  • love
  • merfolk
  • mermaid
  • merman
  • merpeople
  • mers
  • mysterious
  • mystery
  • mystery-thriller
  • paranormal
  • pond
  • pretty
  • romance
  • shimmer
  • sparkles
  • teenromance
  • thriller
  • unnatural
  • water


His eyes were a blazing green. He was both intriguing and intimidating at the same time. I sat only a few feet away from him in the tall, green grass. The boy sat only a few inches from the edge of the pond. My eyes lingered down past his waist and to his legs, or lack there of. My breath caught, and I froze. This was no boy at all, this was something much more than I would've ever expected. My eyes shot back up, meeting his once again. My breath was unsteady as I desperately tried to push the words out. "What are you?" A grin spread across his face before everything began to fade away. Everything was now a distant echo, fading into the darkness of my mind. Who was this boy, or better yet, what was he? ~ Seventeen year old Harlyn discovers a mysterious boy in the pond, just down the road from her home. This creature is guaranteed to change her life. The main question that remains: Will it be for the better, or for the worse? That my friends, is yet to be uncovered. ~Continue reading "Shimmering Tails: Forever and Always" to find out! Enjoy!~

PART 1 ~Chapter 1~

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by jaidsaue