College Roomies
By defsuper100
  • Fanfiction
  • bellarke
  • linctavia
  • marper
  • murven


Clarke is finally in college she is so stoked, but when there's a problem with space and doorming she was told she would have to share with someone from another state in year she was worried on how it would turn out. Don't get me wrong she was fine with sharing with a girl one year older than her but when she finds out it's not a girl that's when she starts to freak. Bellamy is in his second year of college he was in and out of relationships. You could say he's a bad boy hooking up with every girl, but when he finds out he has to share a dorm due to space issues (sine the year before he got to stay in his own dorm because space was available and not many people dormed) he was pissed. I know this sucks because I suck at explaining it but the story is way better than this bad attempt at what we call an explanation. Just GIVE IT A SHOT PLEASE❤️

first day, first problem

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College R...
by defsuper100