Busexual Roommate/e...
By Sacraiel
  • Romance
  • bestfriends
  • bisexual
  • days
  • daysofourlives
  • gay
  • lesbian
  • lgbtq
  • narita
  • paulnarita
  • roommates


This is a Days of our Lives fanfic. Merressia, she moved into st.louis Missouri for a new life and a new start, and on the other side Paul moved to st.louis Missouri too, and caught up with Will they were shocked to meet up. Meanwhile Adam fell in love with Paul, and they started to patch things up. Paul and Merressia hated eachother when they first met, and they lived in this hotel where they shared their rooms because its not enough space and room left, when they both shared that apartment they fight over stuff who use and took, but when it starts to cool down with Paul with Merressia, he helped her with her relationship problems, they became friends and they start to do things together. Merressia thought that she could give it a break and just let it slide. Paul had a bad night with Adam, because Adam told him that he is in love with Will, and Will was in love with his ex Sonny. Everything became a mess and Sonny was new not knowing anything about Paul. So Merressia put up an act to save Paul, but they all put the blame on Paul. Merressia was hurt for what Paul has been through so she did an unforgivable and bad thing to those three. She intend to put a fight and hurt them so they can know how it feels to hurt someone. meanwhile Merressia wrote in her diary of how she feels about Paul and then just out of the blue she just left it and doesn't care about it no more. they went their separate ways for their new life and still being friends. Once Paul found her diary, he started to feel the same way about her, so he thought it's too late for him because she is gone. would Paul be able to find Merressia and tell her how he feel?


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by Sacraiel