The Inspector
By ToveInkeri42
  • Non-Fiction
  • crime
  • death
  • detective
  • hauntedhouse
  • horror
  • murder
  • psychologicaltorture


To my dear and unfortunate readers; It is with great regret and reluctance that I bestow this story unto you. There is only so long I can bear the burden of this story alone; For I am old and crippled from a life lived too long in the shoes of others, to learn to live in my own. I am nothing now, but the stories of brave travelers of my past. And I am content with this and my imaginings. But, through all the tales of adventure and courage I have journeyed through, only two have reached so deep as to claw at the very darkest parts of my soul. Two tales so full with truth, that it becomes impossible to regard the individual in full eye from the horror trapping your mind. Two tales from two strangers not so far from you and I. Not so far that we are grateful their memories remain buried deep time. But they hold great truths even today. May I burn in hell if I speak false as I build this tale on you. Brick by sentence the story shall grow, and the naiveity of knowledge shall shrink to the shadows, forced out by a cruel newfound perspective. I shall start with the lighter burden, to prepare your mind I suppose, ease it into the dark crevasse I lost mine to many years ago. Even so, I cannot bring myself to allow you the cruelty of finishing this story. Good luck, may your angels be strong and guide you through. For you will not make it through alone

How the storm brews in the minds eye

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The Inspe...
by ToveInkeri42