The Blinded Swordsm...
By AgrarianSkyX
  • Fantasy
  • blind
  • gaming
  • illness
  • reality
  • science
  • technology
  • virtual


Life as we know it is changing, and we are forced to change with it. As we grow older and gain more knowledge about the growing world around us so does technology, taking advances for the better and sometimes the worst but it would seem to Shaun that the most recent technological advances are for the better. Virtual Reality (VR) is on the rise, a new age of technology has dawned with the hypothesis by major game industries that they can create a completely virtual space as the next step-up from the Oculus Rift and Razer Hydra. With Shaun being born with an irreversible illness he comes to the conclusion after some hard thought that he would invest the last amount of money he has into a 1 day free trial of the new hardware, life goes in both good and bad directions as a fork in the path forces him between dream and reality.

(1) The New Age

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The Blind...
by AgrarianSkyX