Elegance [Victor Ni...
By loreleiwrightwrites
  • Fanfiction
  • elegance
  • fanfiction
  • figureskating
  • reader
  • romance
  • shy
  • sister
  • victornikiforov
  • victornikiforovxreader
  • xreader
  • yoi
  • yurionice
  • yuurikatsuki


Description: Katsuki, (Y/n) Age 22 Born November 20, 1998; Scorpio Younger sister of Yuuri Katsuki, unprofessional figure skater Likes: - cold soba - figure skating - Victor Nikiforov - family - cats Dislikes: - being watched while skating - large crowds - fame - those who threaten her loved ones - homophobes ////////Story://////// (Y/n) has always had a hard time making friends and going to school, though she's an absolute genius. She's timid and meek, preferring to be alone and very shy about her sexuality. She's almost always distant and doesn't let anyone get close to her. She is very protective of her older brother, Yuuri, who she's always supported no matter what. She learned to walk, talk, read, and write very early and has been on ice skates since she was a little less than three years old. She's always loved skating and everything cold but never shared her grace on the ice with anyone except her brother since she hates being the center of attention. When her brother came home after an unsuccessful season, she was happy to have him back but knew that he was depressed, so she gave him the space he needed to think. Then, when Victor Nikiforov arrives and announces he will be training Yuuri, she's happy for him. One day, when she thinks no one is watching, she skates. Little did she know that Victor was watching, and that was the moment he fell in love with her.

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by loreleiwrightwrites