e s c a p e
By stylesmel
  • Teen Fiction
  • 16
  • 17
  • 1d
  • action
  • away
  • escape
  • friendship
  • help
  • horan
  • house
  • liebe
  • love
  • lovestory
  • mysterious
  • niall
  • niallhoran
  • night
  • parents
  • run
  • story


Niall Horan, a 17 year old boy. He tries to escape. He needs to escape. He can't do this anymore. The pain he had to go through since he was born was just too much. One night, he escapes from the ones who hurt him the most. He has been running for hours, hungry, only a thin jacket in a cold night, until he bumped into Bella. She helps him to escape, but can she also help him to start a normal life again? Read to find it out! picture from: picsart by @krissi25 #1 liebe aus 6,32k Geschichten (20.4.20) #6 liebe aus 6,1k Geschichten (28.05.20) #3 day aus 11,5k Geschichten (14.06.20) #2 liebe aus 6,07k Geschichten (15.06.20)

Chapter 1

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e s c a p...
by stylesmel