A Fragile Human and...
By adamabyss12
  • Fantasy
  • 1980
  • 1980starfire
  • alternateuniverse
  • blackfire
  • classicstarfire
  • crossover
  • dc
  • dccomics
  • komandr
  • koriandr
  • starfire
  • tamaran
  • tamaranean
  • âu


On Earth...there were no heroes or villains. Everything...it was normal. There were police officers, criminals, civilians, as well as some normal teenagers. This includes one boy known only as Aadiv Love, a shy, kind, and mindful individual, who lives like any normal human on Earth. He doesn't like to fight, always acts kind, hold no grudge to anyone, no matter what terrible people say, and always wished for something to happen to make him feel happy. But what happens when what he desired, is in the form of someone not from Earth, and Normalcy is throw away? In fact, how will this affect Aadiv of who he is in his mind? And most importantly, what would Fate do when they put these 2 together?

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A Fragile...
by adamabyss12