DEENA: Memoirs of a...
By ReneeHines1
  • Fanfiction
  • beyonce
  • broadway
  • girlgroup
  • lovetriangle
  • music


If you loved the 2006 movie DREAMGIRLS then you're in for a treat. Read on to explore the untold story of Deena Jones. The once shy and quiet backup singer who eventually became the frontwoman; of the world's greatest girl group THE DREAMS. Did she truly backstab her best friend in order to get to the top? Did she and Rainbow record Owner Curtis Taylor Jr...have a secret affair; while he was dating singer Effie White? Or was she truly a helpless pawn in Curtis's plans to take over the music business. Well, you are about to find out. Take a trip back down memory lane. And left history reveals the secrets of the Dreams that the movie glossed over. And actually see the Depth and star quality that is DEENA.

Interviewing American Royalty

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DEENA: Me...
by ReneeHines1