Superhero Initiativ...
By livvyis
  • Teen Fiction
  • challenge
  • superhero
  • thesuperheroes


Cora's Superhero Initiative Programme: ✕ It is not considered ridiculous to climb a tree in order to save next-doors cat - even if it is at three in the morning and you technically do not like said cat. ✕ It is also not ridiculous to name said cat as your sworn enemy. Arch-enemies come in all different shapes and sizes. Look at Dr Doofenshmirtz and Perry the Platypus. They're perfectly happy. ✕ Living by the quote "there are two kinds of evil people in this world: people who do evil stuff and people who see evil stuff being done and don't do anything about it" is not a silly way to live. It does not however justify punching your little brother's bully in the face (even if he deserved it). ✕ Taking out the bins definitely counts as a heroic act. ✕ As a wise woman once said: NO CAPES. ✕ Teaching a sexist a-hole that girls can like comics just as much as guys through a series of increasingly epic pranks designed to humiliate said sexist a-hole? Well, whoever said heroes couldn't fight dirty? ✕ If the opportunity to be super arises, take the initiative. ✕ Enlightening one half of an extremely attractive set of twins to the world of comic books and superheroes? Absolutely. She'd be the Professor X to his hopelessly confused younger mutant charge. ✕ Movie marathons, entering - and exiting - life-threatening escapades, pulling off an epic heist, overcoming their worst fears, and falling hopelessly in love, on top of ridding her sleepy town of evil, with aforementioned mutant charge? I guess every superhero needs a sidekick.

Superhero Initiative Programme

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by livvyis